Good Mourning Project

Grief is a tricky thing. Some days it is a calm ocean, ebbing and flowing. Others, it is a colossal storm. But like the tide, it is always there. Ebbing. Flowing. 

When we lost Mason, we made it through with the help of family, friends, and complete strangers who saldy knew our exact experience. 

Having someone to talk to that intimately knows the despair you feel is critical during a time of loss, yet grief support wasn't the easiest for us to always find. We are grateful for the bereaved parents that sat with us, cried with us, and listened to us. 

The Good Mourning Project is our newest project by Mason's Movement and probably one of the most personal for us. Our mission is simple: providing resources, support, and remembrance items to newly bereaved parents and siblings. 

We are officially partnering with Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, where Mason spent a great deal of time. Every year, thousands of parents walk into Children's hospital for one reason or another. High fevers - rough housing resulting in injury - broken bones - check ups - you name it... but every year, hundreds leave without their child. Our focus lies here, with the shattered and empty handed. With the tremendous help of CHP and careful consideration, we've landed on our remembrance items for grieving parents and siblings. 

We will provide carefully vetted books on grief for all ages, from toddlers to teens, as well as resources for parents including What do we tell the Children?, by Joseph Primo with Mason's resource library. We will also provide fingerprint remembrance items for parents, Memorial Lights, and Slumberkins: Sprite Helps Say Goodbye, for our tiniest of grievers.  It takes a village.

If you'd like to help restock our book supply, purchase a Memorial Light, or Slumberkin, please click the box below to see our Amazon Wish List.