Mason's School of Hope

     Hope for Ghana 

In 2017, Hope for Ghana began it's most ambitious project and built it's first school: Mason's School of Hope.

Hope for Ghana is powered by Dr. Stephen Greene, a local pediatrician to the Pittsburgh area. Dr. Greene was Mason's doctor, and we are fortunate for his generosity of dedicating his first school to Mason. By doing so, Mason's light and love now stretch all the way to Ghana, bringing hope and opportunity to young children. 

Mason's School of Hope was built in the remote, tiny village of Gakpokorpe, a poor village of farmers whose children once walked 3 kilometers each way to get to school every day before Mason's School opened its doors. 

Hope for Ghana has a mission of hope, one village at a time. Mason's school provides 4 classrooms, a library, and toilets to create a kindergarten and primary school, giving young children a chance to learn with the dignity of a modern school and all the necessary tools for a proper education.

Each year, Mason's Movement provides a year supply of school supplies, and in 2022, we funded a Ghanian Christmas Event which fed 1,800 ghanians and their families! 

Hope for Ghana and Mason's School of Hope have given much more than cement and mortar. They have given the village of Gakpokorpe a school, a library, running water and solar power while truly changing a community forever. 

Please learn more about Hope for Ghana and our dear friends' mission by visiting